

Japanese Beetles Control NJ

June 19th, 2019|insect-and-disease-control, Tree and lawn service|

Grubs gone wild.. TREE-TECH provides off-the-shelf programs for Japanese Beetles Control NJ. July 4th, Independence day, fireworks, barbecues and fun! It's also about the time when you will start seeing Japanese Beetles. The last two years [...]

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Deer Ticks and Lyme disease – Identification, Symptoms, and Control

June 19th, 2019|insect-and-disease-control, Tree and lawn service|

You think you don't have to worry about deer ticks and Lyme disease? Well, think again! Ticks Identification and Symptoms: Young ticks or nymphs are especially active during warm weather. Deer ticks are the primary transmitters of Lyme [...]

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